Are you all ready for my second interview for this month? I AM I AM! Course that's not unexpected now is it? LOL This is another really good read with a very pretty gift at the end!
1. If you could pick a place to retire, where would it be and why?
It's funny you should ask me this question now Dani, because I'm 66 days away from "livin' the dream". I live in Las Vegas which is most people's dream
of a good place to retire, but I've said since I was in my 20's that when I'm "old and gray" - of which I'm neither thank you very much - I wanted to retire to
a little beach community in New York called Pt. Lookout. I lived there with my first husband - long before it became a mulit-million dollar patch of sand on
the south shore of Long Island. My middle daughter has been able to acquire a gorgeous house there and has an extra room for lil ol' me. Not only will
I be exactly where I've dreamed of returning to my entire life, but I'll be there with my 3 precious grandchildren just 89 steps (per grandson #1) from the
beach. :)
2. What got you interested in scrapping?
I've been a crafter since I was a little kid, so I was around when paper scrapping first became popular and I dove in head first. My husband at the time was
a photographer, so I had thousands of beautiful photos of my 3 children to create layouts with. When computers became household items I discovered
psp, and the rest is history. Everyone in my family has both paper and digital albums - even the dogs! I've been at it now for 12 years and don't intend to stop
anytime soon. I love designing - it's such a thrill for me to see people use my work.
3. What is your [ current ] all time favorite kit of yours?
LOL....I'm glad you said current, because every time I create a new kit it becomes my new favorite! So according to that rule, my latest favorite is Siochan,
which you made beautiful layouts with and a freebie with. I'm very connected to my Irish Heritage, and Siochan means Peace in Gaelic, something I wish for
Ireland to find daily. I believe this kit reflects that feeling, it has a very soothing feel to it. At the same time, there are enough non-Irish-specific elements in it that it's
a kit for anytime really. I try to do that with holiday themed kits so my customers get more bang for their buck with their purchases. This kit I see as perfect for male
layouts as well, and we all know how hard those are to come by.
4. What's on your playlist right now?
Oh - an easy question. Any song from the TV show, Glee
which I adore. I've always loved musical theater (I'm a serious wanna-be STAR) and I get to
watch it every week on that show. I have Pandora, so I've made a Glee station on it. And I have a Glee playlist on my blog as well lol.
5. What is your favorite part of a kit?
Finishing it lol. It's always such a wonderful moment when I realize my ideas and creations came to fruitation and are ready to be shared. But yes, I know
you mean what do I like making the most lol. I think for the most part the papers, because they set the tone of the entire creative process for me.
6. When you get the evil 'block' what do you do to get out of it?
I take a complete week off and don't even look at anything to do with scrapping. I have plenty of other creative interests to keep me occupied in that time,
so I just use it to free my cluttered mind and recharge. Of course when I come back I feel so stressed because I've put myself a week behind, but it does
work like a charm. That's the time I usually have 2 - 3 kits going at once.
7. When creating, what is your favorite tool to use?
I'd love to answer this with a creatively lofty answer, believe me. But I'd have to answer commercial use items that I purchase from other designers. They
always spur me on to discovering my own designs, so it's a two-fold favorite I guess. I'm very happy that so many designers now offer CU items.
8. What is one goal you have for 2011?
Personally, I want to move across country on June 1st without becoming a crazy person before hand. Professionally, I feel I'm ready to become a more
prevalent Designer in the scrapping community at large. Right now I have two small stores, and both store owners have been after me to get myself
noticed more and even move into one of the larger stores if I"m accepted. Isn't that sweet of them?? So, I have a notebook that I'm jotting ideas down
in now on how to make that happen for me, and once I'm moved and settled - I'm moving forward with a vengence to make my goal become reality.
I do some minor CT work for this awesome lady and gatta say, she really is an amazing woman and I am so glad she hunted me down!! Here is a small freebie, a darling sample of her latest kit Spring Promises! I hope you all enjoyed the read, more interviews next month!!

~* Danielle S *~
1. If you could pick a place to retire, where would it be and why?
It's funny you should ask me this question now Dani, because I'm 66 days away from "livin' the dream". I live in Las Vegas which is most people's dream
of a good place to retire, but I've said since I was in my 20's that when I'm "old and gray" - of which I'm neither thank you very much - I wanted to retire to
a little beach community in New York called Pt. Lookout. I lived there with my first husband - long before it became a mulit-million dollar patch of sand on
the south shore of Long Island. My middle daughter has been able to acquire a gorgeous house there and has an extra room for lil ol' me. Not only will
I be exactly where I've dreamed of returning to my entire life, but I'll be there with my 3 precious grandchildren just 89 steps (per grandson #1) from the
beach. :)
2. What got you interested in scrapping?
I've been a crafter since I was a little kid, so I was around when paper scrapping first became popular and I dove in head first. My husband at the time was
a photographer, so I had thousands of beautiful photos of my 3 children to create layouts with. When computers became household items I discovered
psp, and the rest is history. Everyone in my family has both paper and digital albums - even the dogs! I've been at it now for 12 years and don't intend to stop
anytime soon. I love designing - it's such a thrill for me to see people use my work.
3. What is your [ current ] all time favorite kit of yours?
LOL....I'm glad you said current, because every time I create a new kit it becomes my new favorite! So according to that rule, my latest favorite is Siochan,
which you made beautiful layouts with and a freebie with. I'm very connected to my Irish Heritage, and Siochan means Peace in Gaelic, something I wish for
Ireland to find daily. I believe this kit reflects that feeling, it has a very soothing feel to it. At the same time, there are enough non-Irish-specific elements in it that it's
a kit for anytime really. I try to do that with holiday themed kits so my customers get more bang for their buck with their purchases. This kit I see as perfect for male
layouts as well, and we all know how hard those are to come by.
4. What's on your playlist right now?
Oh - an easy question. Any song from the TV show, Glee
which I adore. I've always loved musical theater (I'm a serious wanna-be STAR) and I get to
watch it every week on that show. I have Pandora, so I've made a Glee station on it. And I have a Glee playlist on my blog as well lol.
5. What is your favorite part of a kit?
Finishing it lol. It's always such a wonderful moment when I realize my ideas and creations came to fruitation and are ready to be shared. But yes, I know
you mean what do I like making the most lol. I think for the most part the papers, because they set the tone of the entire creative process for me.
6. When you get the evil 'block' what do you do to get out of it?
I take a complete week off and don't even look at anything to do with scrapping. I have plenty of other creative interests to keep me occupied in that time,
so I just use it to free my cluttered mind and recharge. Of course when I come back I feel so stressed because I've put myself a week behind, but it does
work like a charm. That's the time I usually have 2 - 3 kits going at once.
7. When creating, what is your favorite tool to use?
I'd love to answer this with a creatively lofty answer, believe me. But I'd have to answer commercial use items that I purchase from other designers. They
always spur me on to discovering my own designs, so it's a two-fold favorite I guess. I'm very happy that so many designers now offer CU items.
8. What is one goal you have for 2011?
Personally, I want to move across country on June 1st without becoming a crazy person before hand. Professionally, I feel I'm ready to become a more
prevalent Designer in the scrapping community at large. Right now I have two small stores, and both store owners have been after me to get myself
noticed more and even move into one of the larger stores if I"m accepted. Isn't that sweet of them?? So, I have a notebook that I'm jotting ideas down
in now on how to make that happen for me, and once I'm moved and settled - I'm moving forward with a vengence to make my goal become reality.
I do some minor CT work for this awesome lady and gatta say, she really is an amazing woman and I am so glad she hunted me down!! Here is a small freebie, a darling sample of her latest kit Spring Promises! I hope you all enjoyed the read, more interviews next month!!

~* Danielle S *~