Just a heads up!

I will be moving my blog, hopefully soon. Right now I am not winning with setting up
the new one, but I am try lol - SO grab the goodies while you can because I will not
be taking them over with me!

*grins* I'm pullin my hair out *snicker*

~* Danielle S. *~

Closing Shop + Freebie!

After more then a month of thinking on this...I have decided to close up shop at DSD.
It was a very hard decision for me but I think it is the right move for my career.
So, I am having a blow out sale - up to 75% off! My Mega Cu4Cu Bundle is now at $8.00
until July 31st and after that, it will no longer be sold EVER!
So get em while the prices are Summer Hot!

I created Frizzle to celebrate joining DSD and offered it for free for a week!
It's only fitting to offer it free until I leave!

Download Frizzle HERE

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy your new scrap kit!

Time to show off! + Freebie!

My CT ladies have been pretty busy lately, but I'm only going to post a couple of
pages lol - I could post till I'm blue in the face at this rate!

Some pages done with Touching Artistic

Here are some pages with The Watering Can!

And there is a freebie on of my ladies blogs! AWESOME word art!

WHEW! Thank you for looking and enjoy your freebie!
Remember to leave her some love!!!

~* Danielle S. *~

Snap Dragon & Art From the Heart!! + Freebie!

Limiting my post today...I could make this go one for an hour or more lol
Promise I'll be nice this time =]

I got to work with some awesome kits over the past few days, including this
one called Snap Dragon by Chocolate Geranium! I have a few more ideas for this
kit but it's going to have to wait until I have some more free time!

I REALLY enjoyed using this kit, lots of laying options which got me all
worked up with shadows lol Had a pure blast!

Now this kit, it's a Collab between many of the DRS Designers called Art from the Heart.
I can't even begin to describe the breath taking mixture of talent, heart and soul that was
put into this. I was floored when I started to work with this collab and am still just
beyond amazed at the possibilities of this. More then 40 papers and over 90 elements.
This is probably the BEST collab I have ever worked with and I am not done yet!
Have a look at SOME of the previews for it

If you know me at all, you know I am a paper NUT, digital and physical. I am terrible lol
These papers? THEY FLIPPIN ROCK THE PLANET! I had such a hard time picking and choosing because I wanted to use so many and well, as Im sure YOU know, that doesn't always look so good lol Here are two of the pages I did;

Pretty awesome huh? I really like my photoless page, though it does reveal a lot
about me right now, I guess I can swallow that since I like it so much. I hate when my creative spark has flown the coup so to speak.

Well, despite that I'm having issues I am STILL working on a new kit, Afternoon Break.
I've learned it's okay to walk away for a bit, and sometimes, when you come back, you're back in the groove, even if it's just for a little while! I've whipped up a cute cluster freebie out of some of what I've accomplished so far and couldn't wait to offer it, I love freebies =]


Thank you for looking and I hope you enjoy your new gift!
All comments are read and truly appreciated!

~* Danielle S. *~

News, Sales & Freebie!

WOOOHOOO! I have two new CT ladies and can't wait to be able to show off some of their pages soon! Totally excited about this! Can't you tell? Well I can lol

Sales!!! DRS & DSD both have various sales going on!! From 25% to 55% !!

NEW Products! Just a few, I've been a busy body lately!

Both stores!

My current pride and joy! Also at both stores!

Now for my freebie - yes I know, short post .. did you need a cup of coffee or something? lol - this has 7 papers and 1 elements. Small I know, but it's just 'left overs'. I often get started on kits and just don't stay inspired with it so I set it aside. This lil bundle has happened over the past two days...yes, two days. Sucks I know. But hey at least you guys get the goods right?!
And do you see that flower in my 'cluster'? That's by Veronica over at Scrabooking Graphics and I'll be the first to admit, I LOVE her flowers!!!


Thanks for stopping by & I hope you enjoy your new gift!

~* Danielle S. *~