My latest edition

Not a scrap kit, an element pack or even a freebie - my latest edition is a happy, healthy, wonderful little boy. He was born December 27th 2009 at 12:03pm.
Weighed in at 6lbs 6oz & a whoppin 20.5 inches long!
For me - that's a BIG baby.
We stayed the night in the hospital and came home late the next day -
so far, everything is going great! His big sister, Zamera, is just crazy about him & his other
big sister, Serenity, is just fascinated by a living breathing twitching noise making baby.
Of course we are already experiencing issues - she's big into the throwing again, she's pulling her sister hair - hitting, screaming - she even threw herself down at Babies R Us to have a fit.
I'll give her a few days to adjust with medium reprimands - but after that - her hiney is mine.
Just trying to take into consideration she's no longer the baby & not feeling well as it is.

He's got big ol' lil' feet & long fingers! He's just so dang cute - can't wait
to get to scrap some of these photos I took. Well - that's why I'm not exactly around.

Thanks for stopping bye!!!!!

~* Danielle S. *~
The Urban Fairy

CU4CU Freebie!

It's been a while since I made a CU4CU freebie & I know how much I love em so
I figured I better get back on the ball here! I hate fallin behind! Well what I've done this time is
made 5 alphas. Just the upper case, numbers & extras - same font - just 5 styles!
Course I do mean styles lol, I've included the styles I used to create these alphas
so you don't have to worry about making something to match if you want to!

Each alpha is on one sheet, full size [ 12x12 ] 300 DPI
You're welcome to use AS IS & even make freebies with em!
For those of you who do not use Adobe - styles will only work in Adobe!
[ Created mine is CS4 ]

You can download this freebie HERE

~* Danielle S. *~

Limited Time Sale! 50% Off!!!

Sale Valid @: &

New Kit + Freebie!

Well I finally got a new kit done! Peace and quiet around here would be GREAT -
but that's not happening any time soon lol - I can at least enjoy the thought of
it though right? Welp, welcome to Peaceful! I really enjoyed making this kit,
even though I did get stuck a few times, I wiggled through it and completed it!

I REALLY wanted to add some word art to it but that's not one of my stronger
areas yet. I am working on it, with very high goals set for myself, so I'll just have
to pout about it for now lol

Now internet & children willing this kit is loaded in all of my stores.
Links to my stores can be found to the right. This is all provided the snow hasn't killed
the net cables and the kids haven't sent me down 'insanity lane'.

Enjoy, thanks for looking & don't forget to grab your free gift!!!

10 Papers & 61 Elements come with Peaceful. Not all elements are shown!

Alphas include UpperCase & LowerCase only - no numbers & extras

You can download this free quickpage HERE
*quickpage is also included in the Scrap Kit download through stores*

~* Danielle S. *~

Freebie For You! - Small Set -

Not that I got bored or anything - more like...I got... hurrrmmmmmm'y
Not enough energy to get up and clean like I really want to - but not tired enough
to go lay down and take a 3 hour nap I really shouldn't take anyway..
the result? A small set LOL That's the only thing I could think of to name it!

What is included in this freebie?
The quickpage itself, the word art by itself & the frame by itself!
Make sure you check out the credit file for any info you might want about
the pieces used to make this freebie!! I try very hard to give credit where credit is due
but eh, sometimes I slack. I am only human after all!

I used a photo of my oldest daughter, Zamera, playing in the snow last year.
Child loves the snow - but then at her age I think I did to!

You can download this freebie HERE

~* Danielle S. *~

New goodies coming soon + a Freebie for you!

I was a bad me last night lol - stayed up WAY WAY late finishing up a new pack of
cluster frames! I finally admit I am fully addicted to them lol Thankfully somehow, some way,
my daughters slept in! THAT is amazing, truly - they're usually up no later then 7:30am
and if they actually sleep till 7:30, I am happy. My body starts to wake up about 20 minutes before that - must be the mommy clock?? Well the darling buggars slept till almost 8:30!!!!
YAYAYAYAYAY!! Course it's Sunday and I'm making everyone clean - so perhaps THATS
why they slept in lol Or it could be the snow. It's snowing very gently right now,
nice and chilly - just right for a cup of hot cocoa with some EXTRA mellows!

Okay well you all know me, never ending somethingness going on around here -
seems today for me that is laundry so I better get to jumping! Or waddling...
what ever the case maybe. Your free quickpages are below - check the credit files
for all info regarding them, I'm good at hunting down the way cool freebies!

You can download your new quickpages HERE

~* Danielle S. *~