Oooooh what a month! It's been a looooong month..
my non holiday highlight? I got to introduce my husband to my grandfather!!!!
I guess getting blown up twice in a war zone was a key sign he needs to meet some more of my family, considering we've been a couple for more then 10 years....
Well I don't have a lot of time, I've got to get back to work on my next kit, The Watering Can! Though Touched, my mini, will be out in May! I'm also running a 45% sale at DRS, discounts show in the cart! You should also check out this great kit by Truman Studio, Legacy, it's probably my favorite of hers right now. Just had to share =]
Here are some pictures from the trip!
My Papa Jack and my husband
My lil man found the big 'twuck'
We we're at my Aunt Caras
My husband, Serenity, Zamera and my Grandpa Bill
Ricky sneaked a picture of me loving on the lil guy!
Well, like I said, just a few pictures! Thanks for looking and have a great day/night!
~* I know I forgot my icon, Danielle S. *~
my non holiday highlight? I got to introduce my husband to my grandfather!!!!
I guess getting blown up twice in a war zone was a key sign he needs to meet some more of my family, considering we've been a couple for more then 10 years....
Well I don't have a lot of time, I've got to get back to work on my next kit, The Watering Can! Though Touched, my mini, will be out in May! I'm also running a 45% sale at DRS, discounts show in the cart! You should also check out this great kit by Truman Studio, Legacy, it's probably my favorite of hers right now. Just had to share =]
Here are some pictures from the trip!
My Papa Jack and my husband
Well, like I said, just a few pictures! Thanks for looking and have a great day/night!
~* I know I forgot my icon, Danielle S. *~
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