New Stuff!

Been kinda down lately with my husband in Iraq. He's supposed to be home within the next 2 - 4 months for some R n R ... but that's just not giving me the spark of joy I need. Anyway - created with feelings LOL - Commercial use is fine by me - 300 DPI - 1.99


Tried to perk myself up! I'm not overly fond of yellow lol - but I figured what the heck.
These are seriously JUST FOR FUN! They're all the same 'thing' - just different.
I'm being cheap as usual ^__^

In the store for .99


Happy scrappin people
..:: Loyal ::..

Store Sale!

Its gonna be an odd first week of July - so keep an eye on the store - sales
tend to pop up when you least expect!

..:: Loyal ::..

Zenful ADD ON!

Couldn't stop at a kit....couldn't stop at a kit & free quickpages... nooooooo
but I WILL stop at a kit - free quick pages and cheap arse add on.
I am SO done...after I do some layouts of my own LOL..
ugh...someone please...hit my stop button?

It's in the store now : HERE
1.75 - and going on sale for the weekend! longer then the weekend..
but hey..close durn enough.

Happy Scrappin!

..:: Loyal ::..

New Kit - Zenful

I felt happy when I finished this kit. Accomplished even. & then I remembered
I had to make a preview and all the good feelings were dashed LOL.

I spent a bit of time on this preview - trying to get everything shown in an
appealing way that didn't cover up much, showed a fair amount & just simply gave a true
idea of what the kit itself held.

I actually had to make myself stop. The ended with 50 papers & 126 elements.
I had so much in it, I couldn't help but share the quickpages. Right okay - gonna
shove the pride and preen back in the box now LOL

You can find the kit in the store - HERE - it will be on sale until July 10th!
[PS - I did a serious mark down on 80% of my stuff!]

Happy Scrappin!

..:: Loyal ::..

Another Quickpage Freebie!

:: takes a deep deep breath :: Do you smell that? Mmmmmm I love that smell.
Can you guess what it is?? It's the smell of..
FREEBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup - that's right - freebie freebie fuhhhreeeeebeeeeeeeee!
If you don't love em, you just might have more issues then I do!!!

I did these quick pages using my new kit - Zenful.
Now normally I dont do quick pages..and I sure don't do em quick..
but .. I just couldn't stop it. I WANTED to make them..that a lone was enough to
shock me into action LOL! Consider this a sampler of my new kit - and when I say
massive...I mean massive. Least everyone keeps telling me 150MB is massive.

Ya think so too?

Enjoy the new freebie!!!!

You can download this freebie via the store: HERE

Happy Scrappin!

..:: Loyal ::..

New Tag Tutorial

Yup....I did it again!
You can get to the tutorial HERE


..:: Loyal ::..

I got Tagged!

I've Been Tagged!!! woohoo!
I have been tagged by:
Crazy Girl

You've been tagged:
These are the rules:

1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Ok... 7 facts about myself:

1. I'm an Army Brat & Army Wife
2. I am by far my own worst critic
3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read!
4. The pride I feel for my husband is almost to much for my heart
5. I do NOT like Elvis
6. I hate leaving my house
7. I am proud to be a part of the SweetnSassyDigiScrappers team

Im tagging:
Queen Brat:

Honored Scraps:


Sophisticated Scraps


as for the other two - don't worry about them LOL

Have fun!

New Kit - Full Size

Just like it says.. I wish lol... I mean You wish! Yeah that's right.
Anyway - not having a great morning so far today so I don't feel like being fun.

There are 15 Papers - Not all shown. Even one twotone that can be colorized.
35 Elements - There are 10 flowers that are not shown in here.
Preview is crammed enough.

You can find it in the store for 3.99

Happy Scrappin Everyone!

..:: Loyal ::..

A Dash of Whimsical [Tutorial]!

Yes fine...I've lost it. I know this..I accept this...but all well.
Anyway - in my would be so called HAHA spare time.. I'm going to be doing
tutorials....yeah...spare time...that's a good one.

Feel free to check em out and share em!

Touch of Blue

Happy Taggin!

..:: Loyal ::..

A little something I do

At the moment I own and operate a couple of groups. I figured I could tell you about them. This will be very short & to the point.

Group One: Imagination Creationz - Tag Offer Group
Looking for taggers of ALL levels & members! - HERE

Group Two: The Designing Touch - Tag Offer Group
Looking for taggers with Advanced skill levels only & members! - HERE

Right now...that's all I want to expose! lol - Have a great Monday!.. if that's possible

..:: Loyal ::..

CU Freebie!

The glitter fills were such a hit, I couldn't resist doing them again!
That's right - ANOTHER round of glitters - FREE.
800x800 300 DPI - Commercial Use!
I even changed up the shapes a bit this time!

I'm pretty much out of bandwidth for the month lol - 100% used of 10GB -
so I'm routing this CU Freebie through the store.

You can find it HERE

Happy Scrappin!

..:: Loyal ::..

Words & New Product & CU Freebie!

So...what do you think? Yeah I KNOW - I just did a revamp ... but .. I'm just never happy if I can't change SOMETHING! lol. This seemed to be the lesser evil at the moment. Course I did lose a lot of links - but I'll get those back.
Pink isn't normally my thing...but I'm wondering if it isn't time for a change in life. You know...the main thing is always finances. Which sucks big time...I'm trying very hard to save money. We need a new AC unit..a 8 foot privacy fence [dogs keep jumping the durn fence we have]...a new dishwasher..
A million and one things. No matter how much you get, something else comes up and you have to save for that too. I hate that about life. I've managed to save about 110 dollars in two months.
For me that's incredible. Amazing ... DOES NOT HAPPEN. Seriously lol. The only way I don't spend it if I have it in cash and hidden away from everyone else. If it's in the bank...I'll probably spend it. That's what happened to the last 100 I had in saving..

ANYWAY - you guys probably don't wanna know about all that boring stuff anymore then I do. So on with the real news!

My first set of overlays!!!!! I was actually working on making a butterfly out of brushes..
you know, bored..creative mood...didn't make butterflies lol. Anyway - 5 CU OLs for your creating pleasure!
You can check them out: HERE
Price: 1.50
[ On SALE! 25% off - 1.13! ]

My oldest daughter - Zamera .. saw these lil girls and about lost her mind.
She wanted to make some. Now okay yes, she can't actually make them herself,
but she loves helping Mommy make stuff. So we made you guys
9 little flower girls - 300 DPI - full size
You can get them : HERE

And that's it for now lol - hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

..:: Loyal ::..

The Girls - CU FREEBIE!

Sooo...can we say BRIGHT? Good yes?! Bright is good! Or so I'm told lol.
Lillerz Choice - named since Lillerz selected the colors! This is a Taggers Kit ONLY.
It IS S4H-S4O. What's in it? Are you SURE you wanna know these numbers?
25 Papers...course I couldn't get em all in the preview...
& 46 elements! can find it at the store
or you can click THIS to get there.
Price: 4.00 [weekends on sale for 3.00 ..check for SPECIAL discounts!] I'm going to go strangle my brother...he just scared the crap outta me.
Happy Scrappin!

..:: Loyal ::..

New! Day Dream

I have been on busy little me! I cant help it - if I'm not busy, I'm bored.
It's not good for me to be bored. So, as a result, I make new stuff!
This is one of my smaller kits for sure - very rare thing with me..
15 Papers & 16 Elements. See - told you it was small for me.
Well, I did a Taggers & a Full size for this - so the choice is yours!
Taggers: 1.99
Full Size: 2.99

You can find them HERE

Happy Scrappin!

..:: Loyal ::..

HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!

COMMERCIAL USE?!??!?!?!??!! I was NOT Expecting this when I gathered up these
ladies into the idea of a group GB. I can't believe it!!!!!
I have NO idea what everyone else put into this - but I know it's HUGE!
It's in the store right now, and is 20% off until JULY 15th!!!!!!!!!!
[ Makes it 16.00! ]
I don't know if I can take the suspense.. I think Im going to have to buy it myself!
What can I say.. I'm a sucker for a grab bag!


..:: Loyal ::..

Bring Me Spring Briz LO

Thank you for the new Layout Briz!!!! Seems the bright colors are hit wo0t wo0t!
Course I can understand that....even I like bright colors and Im usually in a black shirt lol
You can find the kit here :

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to tackle Moon and steal her Dew!
..:: Loyal ::..

Wordart Freebie!

How about we enjoy the middle of the week a wordart freebie?? I used this one on a layout
I did with one of my kits - it was a smash hit so I figured what the heck, I could give
the wordart out. Lord knows it would be easy to use lol - just find kids in the sand! That can't be to hard during the summer can it?
Anyway - you can pick up the freebie at the store!
Just look under FREEBIES!

Now remember folks - even when it's just a freebie - a review can mean
the world - so let the world know!

..:: Loyal ::..

Grab Bag CU ok 2

I don't know about YOU - but I LOVE me some CU grab bags.. it's scary how much
I will put into buying a grab bag..especially when they're on deals OMG Im such a GB Pig.
Oh Right lol -
Grab bag will only be available in 2008. No credits needed! Nothing inside the grab bag will ever be sold ANYWHERE else!!!!! I say the stuffs worth about 8 bucks - couple other people say it's worth who knows? The great thing? You pay ONLY 3 dollars! I'd have to say that's a DEAL!
P.S - It's on sale 30% off till Friday!

In the STORE now!

..:: Loyal ::..

10 Fabric Flowers CU

Prettttttyyyyy colorrrrs! Sorry..I'm tired.
Fabric - and you can see the detail, even in the preview.
In the store for 2.50!
CU OK - 300 DPI!


..:: Loyal ::..

STORE SALE!!!! 25% off!

UGH!!! I wanna go shopping in that store MYSELF!!!!!!!!! Must pay bills..must...must pay the BILLS.....


..:: Loyal ::..

Quickpage Freebie!

I made a quickpage with one of my own kits! woohoo!
Makes me happy when I can do that lol
I used the kit: Woodlan Nights
You can check it out HERE

The QP is all one layer but don't worry - it IS png not JPG.
Don't know how many QP's Ive downloaded that are JPG - annoying.
The word art is NOT part of the QP.

[:: Download ::]

..:: Loyal ::..

Fantasy Air Full Size & Tagger Size Kit!

I had bought a new pack of tubes by Fenech & wanted to use one of my
own scrap kits for a change....course I realized I didn't have a kit that would work.
So I made one! ... and now I lost the inspiration LOL - ugh.

Anyway - kit is on sale at the store!
or you can just click THIS

Taggers - [O] 2.50 - Sale price: 1.88
Full - [O] 3.00 - Sale price: 2.25

Happy scrappin people!

..:: Loyal ::..

CU Friendly Flowers! [ Zamera Helped!]

That's right, my Zamera helped with BOTH of these flowers. She did the colors.
I have to admit...I like em all...but then, MY kid did the coloring so why wouldnt I?
ON SALE in the store util Monday June 16th for 2.25!

You can check them out HERE

Yes she did it again - mmmmhmmm - Zam picked the colors.
The pink should have been a dead give away...she IS a girl after all. 5 year at that.

Feel free to check them out ON SALE for 1.88, till Monday the 16th in the store

Don't worry - I will get a freebie out soon - once I decided what it should be!

..:: Loyal ::..

CU Friendly Butterflies!

Thats right - butterflies. Aren't they stunning? Well - lucky lucky
they're in the store ON SALE for 2.25!!!

Now if you can complain about 5 CU butterflies being 2.25...I might be in shock.
Crystal - don't you do it - or you Jenn lol

You can check them out HERE

Woodlan Nights

Well...I got this idea from Moon's husband...course he gave her
the outdoors adventure type idea for a kit...and she messed up and told me lol
She thinks it's funny I fret & worry - I adore the Moonie!
Right okay info...

12 Papers
70 Elements
300 DPI
Personal Use Only

On SALE for 3.94 until Monday June 16th.
HURRY! - You can check it out HERE

Happy Scrappin!

..:: Loyal ::..

Mega Kit + Alpha Freebie!

Bout time I got this done! Sucker comes with 30 papers and 60 elements!!!!
You can get it in the store HERE

WAIT!!! There's MORE! As if a Freebie Sampler wasn't enough - I also
made a Freebie Alpha set to go with it!!!!!

Click the image to get a better look!
You can get the FREEBIE Alpha set HERE

Happy Scrappin!!!!

..:: Loyal ::..

Fantasy Stickers!

I got bored I made something new...go figure!
In the store for 1.99

You can get them HERE


..:: Loyal ::..

New LO!

A LO I made using my
"My Zamera Rose" mega kit that will be in
the store tomorrow!

The Store

..:: Loyal ::..

Glitter Flutter

Got something new into the store today!
7 Glitter filled butterflies! I call em
Glitter Flutter. I know I know - but I thought it was cute.
Anyway - they're personal use only - 300 DPI and a lil bigger then 700 pixels.

You can get them : HERE

What can I say - I'm cheap...or at least I try to be.
Happy Scrappin!

..:: Loyal ::..

Ivory got LOTD!!!! Way to go Ivory!!!

WOW!!! Can you believe it? She used my Kit- Bring Me Spring
to make a winning layout! My word she did an AWSOME job!
You can find her HERE
You can purchase the kit HERE

Here's a second layout she did with my kit - thank you Ivory!!!!!

..:: Loyal ::..

Flower Trio FREEBIE [Personal Use Only]

Isn't it great?! I get get freebies...wonderful how that works huh?
Been trying to sleep for two hours now...but I guess I'm restless.
You all know how much I love flowers - and I figured this style out earlier today
for my "My Zamera Rose" mega kit - I like the style!
Anyway - here you go - enjoy!

[:: 4Shared Download ::]
[:: Store ::]

..:: Loyal ::..

My Zamera Rose Sampler!

Whew! I am bustin my buns off on this!!! I wanted to get this sampler done earlier, and more work done on the kit - but I had a 5 year olds birthday party to go spend a couple long....long...looooong hours at. Great kids - all of em honest, I'm just not used to dealing with the parents that come with the kids. Makes my head spin the things they do and don't do. That's just me though! ANYWAY!!! on to the sampler lol

This is just a TASTE of the real deal. The kit My Zamera Rose - will come with
30 papers and 60 or MORE elements...I haven't decided yet!
The sample gives you - 1 paper, 1 flower, 1 ribbon, 1 pencil , 1 sticker and 1 bow.
All 300 DPI!!!! Hope to see you when the full kit comes to the store!!!!

Now you can download via 4shared : HERE
Or you can catch it at the store and look around : HERE

..:: Loyal ::..

Flower Sticker Pack Freebie!

300 DPI - Not Shown Full Size
No two are the same!

What!! Did you guys think I would forget to post freebies? Heck no! I know I've been very focused on the store stuff this past week or so..and I'm sorry if any of you felt like I was abandoning the freebie ways. I promise I'm not. I'm just trying...hoping...that my time in psp will be worth something you know? My finances are streached so far...that I'm already worried there won't be much of a Christmas. Let's not even get me started on my daughters birthdays. Course they happen to be 5 years and 2 days apart....gonna make things interesting that's for sure! Okay - not going to yap your eyes out. Enjoy the new freebie!
[:: Download ::]
..:: Loyal ::..

Grab Bag! CU OKAY!

Woohooo!!! I have a grab bag up at the store - okay so it's not up YET lol.
Give it a bit - I'm just to excited to wait to post!!! I worked on the items in there
for about 13 hours off an on - when my computer wasn't trying to fry on me anyway.
After 2008 is over - the grab bag & everything in it goes *po0f*! No MORE!
Get it while its hot hot hottttt!

..:: Loyal ::..

2 New Kits for Sale!

Sweet Whispers was a last minute attempt at a darker color
style kit. I kept getting annoyed that I couldn't work with any darker colors.
So yeah - not overly proud of it on my end. LOVE my flowers though - very proud of those!

300 DPI
10 Papers & 18 Elements - elements are the fun part!
On SALE for 2.63

You can check it out HERE

Gentle Embrace... now this one makes me happy.
I had a blast playing around with the twist ribbons - lots and lots of possibilities!

Though I still admit, nothing to me, is more fun then papers!

200 dPI
9 Papers - 15 Elements
On SALE for 1.88

You can check it out HERE

.. :: .. Loyal .. :: ..

The Store

Okay wow..this preview really sucks! Sorry lol - I hate making previews.
I honestly think that they are the hardest part of the entire kit...previews.
Vile evil pull your hair out previews.

Oh right anyway - so I joined up with the designer team at

I figured it would be wiser then starting my own store. Get the feel of things..
see how it on and so forth.

Well anyway - they do have some great kits over there!
Both Digi & Taggers - those kits get LOADED to.'s what I have up today at the store.
I have some more stuff to add - so check back soon!

** click the picture to go to the store or use the http below the picture **

..:: Loyal ::..